Monday, December 20, 2010

Hanging out with Harrison

Hanging with Harrison
Harrison and I hanging out after Streets of Bethlehem at the Machine Shed where we had supper.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Streets of Bethlehem

Waiting to go back in time.

Leaving a note so they know we were here.

"As you enter you will travel back in time to 3AD and experience the sights, sounds and smells of a busy street in Bethlehem the night Christ was born. Your family and friends can actually walk though a live drama and interact with people who lived in Bethlehem. Realistic dwellings, a quick taste of village life, live animals, Messianic dancing, Roman guards and a most important, a visit to see the new born Savior, Jesus. Visit the Streets of Bethlehem and create special memories this Christmas for the whole family."
~From Appleton Alliance Church's website

The locals welcomed us

I got some spending money, what should I buy?

I'm only a guinea pig do I still have to sign the census?

Trying some of the local foods.  Yum, Yum!

Some of the locals dancing, I wonder if I could do that?

Reflecting on what this time of year truly means.

Local merchants selling some goods.

Talking to the local animals.

This donkey helped carry Mary here.
Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus


Saturday, December 11, 2010

1st snow fall

So we finally got some snow.  It was so exciting.  The great thing is it's still snowing and I'm hoping to go sledding soon with Harrison and Corbin.  That'll be so much fun.